AMF Heradesign Wood Wool Panels
☉ Material: Real timber fibres bound together with an organic compound called Magnesite.
☉ Group Rating: Achieves Group 1 Fire Compliance.
☉ Lead Time: 25mm Thick Superfine in White & Natural, typically held as stock.
> Easily painted any other colour on-site.
> Other thicknesses and fibre textures are available on request.
☉ Size: 1200x600, can be cut to suit 600x600 grid on-site.
> Additional sizes are available on request.
☉ Acoustics: Achieves fantastic levels of sound absorption.
> Eg. Superfine 25mm thick achieves NRC 0.70 in a typical installation. Higher levels of performance are available with the addition of acoustic batts into the ceiling plenum behind the Heradesign Wood Wool Panels.
☉ Humidity Resistance: RH90.
☉ Sustainability: Green Tag Certified.
☉ Material: Mineral Fibre with either a laminated or perforated surface.
☉ Group Rating: AchievesGroup 1 Fire Compliance.
☉ Lead Time: AMF THERMATEX Acoustic 19mm in white, typically held as stock.
> Other options are available on request.
☉ Size: 1200x600, can be cut to suit 600x600 grid on-site.
> Additional sizes are available on request.
☉ Acoustics: Varies across the range.
> AMF THERMATEX Acoustic 19mm Thick achieves NRC 0.70 &CAC 40dB.
> AMF THERMATEX Acoustic achieves RH95.
☉ Humidity Resistance: Varies across the range.
☉ Sustainability: Green Tag Certified. Achieves Cradle to Cradle Certification.
AMF Metal Expanded Mesh
☉ Material: Aluminium or Steel.
☉ Group Rating: AchievesGroup 1 Fire Compliance.
☉ Lead Time: White, Black& Silver/Grey are typically held as stock. Additional colours are available on request.
☉ Size: 1200x600 & 600x600.
☉ Shapes: Hexagon 3 & Rhombic 4. Other shapes are available on request.
☉ Acoustics: N/A. Acoustic insulation can be added above the panels to;
A) hide the ceiling plenum above and;
B) greatly improve acoustic performance. Acoustic performance can be improved up to NRC 1.0.
☉ Humidity Resistance: RH99
ACS Metal Ceiling Tiles
☉ Material: Perforated Metal.
☉ Group Rating: Achieves Group 1 Fire Compliance.
☉ Lead Time: Made to order, typically 3-4 week lead time.
☉ Size: 1200x300,1200x400, 1200x600 & 1200x600.
☉ Perforation Options:2mm or 3.5mm.
☉ Finishing: Powdercoat any colour from the Dulux or Interpon range. Timber Effect powder coating is also available.
☉ Acoustics:
> NRC 0.70 when installed with 15mm black fleece pad.
> NRC 0.85 when installed with 15mm fleece & 25mm acoustic batt.
> NRC 1.0 when installed with 15mm fleece & 50mm acoustic batt.
Open Cell
☉ Material: Galvanised Steel or Aluminium.
☉ Group Rating: Achieves Group 1 Fire Compliance.
☉ Lead Time: White and Black in 100x100 & 150x150 typically held as stock.
> Other sizes and colours available on request.
☉ Size: 600x600 &1200x600.
☉ Cell Apertures: 50x50,75x75, 100x100, 150x150 & 200x200.
☉ Cell Structure: 15mm wide by 38mm deep.
☉ Finishing: Powdercoat any colour RAL colour.
☉ Acoustics: N/A. Acoustic insulation can be added above the panels to;
A) hide the ceiling plenum above and
B) greatly improve acoustic performance. Acoustic performance can be improved up to NRC 1.0.
☉ Humidity Resistance: RH99
Autex Acoustic Timber Ceiling Tile
☉ Material: 100%Polyester Fibre.
☉ Group Rating: Achieves Group 1 Fire Compliance.
☉ Lead Time: 4-5 weeks.
☉ Size: 1200x600 &600x600. Additional sizes areavailable on request.
☉ Timber Options: Available in 10 timber colours, ranging from light blondes (Birch & Ash) to dark browns (Walnut) and reds (Jarrah).
☉ Acoustics: Achieves NRC0.70.
☉ Sustainability: Green Tag Certified. Red List Free. Includes up to 60% recycled material.
Solid Timber Panels
☉ Material: MDF or Ply Core.
☉ Group Rating: Group 3 typically. MDF fire rated core available on request.
☉ Lead Time: 8-10 weeks.
☉ Size: Made to order to suit your grid size.
☉ Perforation Options: Round hole (square, offset or diamond pattern), slotted or pitched.
☉ Finishing: 16x Immiwood timber laminate colours or 11x natural timber veneers.
☉ Acoustics: Varies across perforation types. Typically, NRC 0.75.

Book a call with our architectural team today to get down into the detail. We are happy to chat through ideas, materiality and budget to find out how we can help you create the interiors you need. Simply drop us a note on hello@mbsarchitectural.com.au or call us on 03 9580 7800 to chat with our specification team.
Every material.one source.
Let's bring your project to life.