Wyndham Tech


Project Overview

Gray Puksand’s design philosophy for Wyndam Tech included a strong emphasis on how users felt and experienced the space. The way sound behaves within an environment is an integral component to this human-centred approach. Strong focus was placed on find a ceiling material that performed exceptionally at a sound absorption level, without creating a purely clinical and functional educational setting.

Wood Wool was chosen as the appropriate ceiling material. Wood Wool panels consist of thin timber fibres. These fibres are natural timber, bringing a sense of warmth to the learning environment, while at the same time creating a ceiling product that consists of interwoven perforations that allow excellent sound absorption properties. From here, Gray Puksand used a striking contrast between Signal Black & Signal White Wood Wool panels to help create a sense of segmentation across the ceiling, breaking up separate user areas.



Gray Puksand


Ceiling Contractor:
Pro Image Plaster

AMF Heradesign Wood Wool Superfine

Panel Size:
Superfine 35mm, 1200mm x 600mm

Signal Black & Signal White

Acoustic Performance:
NRC 0.90 & CAC 0.90

Book a call with our architectural team today to get down into the detail of your project. We are on hand to talk through ideas, materiality, specification and budget, in order to help you bring your ideas to life. Simply drop us a note on hello@mbsarchitectural.com.au or call the specification team on 03 9580 7800.

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